
The Wife

  Glenn Close is first rate in this second rate movie.  Her sublimely nuanced performance in the title role is the only reason to watch this otherwise very pedestrian film.  Close stars as Joan Castleman the wife of Joe (Jonathan Pryce) who is just about to be woken in the middle of the night by a phone … Continue reading


Martin Scorsese’s take on a big time financial crook who swindled money out of a legion of small time people to finance his life of excess and debauchery is a piece of faction.  Based on the real life of convicted stockbroker Jordan Belfort whose Firm fraudulently sold billions of worthless penny shares, it does however … Continue reading

The Wolfpack

This is such an unlikely story of seven siblings who were raised in the heart of New York’s Lower East Side by a tyrannical father and subservient mother who only allowed them to venture outside the front door of their apartment once or twice a year throughout their childhood, that it at first seems like … Continue reading

THE WOMAN IN THE FIFTH aka ‘La femme du Vème’

When Tom an American College Professor and one-time author arrives in Paris he tells the Immigration Officer he is there to visit his wife and child.  What he doesn’t reveal is that she has a Court Restraining Order out and refuses to let him see their daughter. When Tom stalks the girl the police are … Continue reading

The Women’s Balcony

If you have never been in an Orthodox Synagogue before than you may not even be aware that the sexes do not mix and that women must worship from an upstairs balcony overlooking the (holier?) men. In this particular case the balcony actually collapses in the middle of a Bar Mitzvah in this small run … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26

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