
A Very Sordid Wedding

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Its been some 17 years since Del Shores’s movie Sordid Lives played for a record-breaking  96 weeks at the Palm Springs Movie Theater. Mainstream audiences elsewhere may have dismissed the movie all too quickly, but it wasn’t long before it became a beloved gay cult classic that even spurned a prequel TV series. Now we are … Continue reading

Andrew Hebden @ BFI Film Fest London reviews KAJILLIONAIRE

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  While we suspect the success of Bong Joon-ho’s satirical Parasite made this odd story of a family of grifters an easier sell to its Executive Producer Brad Pitt we are glad to report that Miranda July’s Kajillionaire quickly sets its own glorious course tearing apart the nuances of sentiment rather than the notions of … Continue reading

At The Terrace

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It’s tough enough adapting a stage play into a movie at the best of times, but when it is set in a different culture and language it’s a hard one to pull off for a mainstream audience to get behind and enjoy.  Writer/director Kenji Yamauchi’s movie At The Terrace, which seems the nearest thing to … Continue reading

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