
queerguru reviews Absolutely Fabulous : The Movie

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Absolutely Fabulous The Movie is …….. well absolutely fabulous, which is somewhat of a relief after the totally disastrous transfer from the small screen to the big one for the equally silly and very entertaining fashion-based comedy ‘Sex In The City’.  Of course now that Edina and Patsy are trying to convince us that 60 is the new 40 there are wrinkles everywhere, including in the script, but what Jennifer Saunders has still managed to capture so hilariously is that the whole over-hyped circus-like environment of the designer fashion industry is really too silly to be taken as serious as it is.

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queerguru reviews The Dressmaker

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Kate Winslet stars in the one of the campest movies of the year as Tilly Dunnage when she sweeps into her dustbowl hometown in a remote part of the Australian Outback dressed to the nines. In the 20 years since she left in the middle of the night Tilly has reinvented herself a couture dressmaker who has been making fancy frocks for fashionable Europeans.  Now she wants to solve the murder-mystery to see who is really to blame but first she seeks to win over the local hostile women by making them look fabulous.

queerguru reviews The Dressmaker for P.T.V.



queerguru reviews Life, Animated

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Roger Rees William’s award-winning documentary is based on the best selling book by Ron Suskind about Owen his autistic son. It tells the tale of how Suskind, a Pulitzer Award winning writer with The Wall Street Journal, and his wife Cornelia dealt with the discovery that at the age of 3 years old Owen was diagnosed with autism, and how the family embarked on a remarkable journey together over the next 20 years.

It is unquestionably one of the most inspirational movies of the year.


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