
The Calamari Sisters search for Sausages (in all the wrong places)

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queerguru went shopping this week and bumped into Delphine and Carmela ….known to the world as the (in) famous Calamari Sisters.  They had stumbled into The Toys of Eros looking for sausages to use in their brand new SAUSAGEFEST show playing at The Sage Inn & Lounge all this summer.  They were somehow under the impression that this was a kitchen utensil store and took great delight in showing me how they planned to use all the ‘unusual’ toys.

Here’s a teaser trailer of our hilarious encounter  …… we’ll publish the whole thing when our editor can stop laughing.  

Filmed for PTV by Rik Ahlberg & Amy Davies 


queerguru goes shopping for a Mate in P.Town

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The one thing everyone always takes away from P. Town every single summer is a T Shirt that announces to the world that you were lucky enough to vacation here. If you are even luckier you may get a new mate (or two) as well.

queerguru got both when we stumbled on a brand new store called MATE run by designer Paul Nesbit that we, and several others, instantly fell in love with. Take a look and you’ll see why.

Filmed by Rik Ahlberg for P.T.V. 

queerguru talks to Kiehl’s President Chris Salgardo

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queerguru caught up with Chris Salgardo President of Kiehls Since 1851 when he arrived in P. Town to enjoy one of his (and our) favorite summer highlights …. Bear Week.  We got to chat about much more than that however as we discussed his new book MANMADE, plus  the Kiehls/AmFAR LifeRide that will be passing through town next month, and  his whole approach to help changing the way we look whilst at the same time helping the communities that we live in.

Filmed in Kiehls Store by P.T.V. Director/Editor Amy Davies


queerguru talks to the filmmakers of CHECK IT

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‘Check It’ is a powerful and somewhat shocking new documentary about a ‘gang’ of gay and transgender kids in one of Washington DC’s most notoriously tough neighborhoods who collectively decide to fight back against all the physical and mental abuse that is heaped on them as they strive to simply survive. A couple of adult activists offer them a glimmer of hope for a better future.

queerguru got to talk to the filmmakers Dana Flor & Toby Oppenheimer when the movie played at the Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16 recently.

Filmed for P.T.V. by Heather Reed.

Click HERE for queerguru’s review of the movie.


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