
Bride Pride’ s Ilene Mitnick & Alli Baldwin talk to queerguru

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bride screen

Ilene Mitnick and her wife Alli Baldwin of Roux, Provincetown are aiming to qualify for a place in the Guinness Book of Records with Bride Pride the world’s largest all-girl wedding to be held in P Town during Womensweek in October.  The rather disarmingly charming couple talked to (newly affianced) queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack about all their plans to ensure that everybody gets to have the ‘best day of their lives’ in real P.Town style.

Filmed at Roux by Judy Rolfe for P.T.V.



Terminally Delightful BenDeLaCreme talks to queerguru

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When queerguru asked the terminally delightful BenDeLaCreme about his new Show ‘Cosmos’ now playing at The Crown & Anchor, Provincetown she described it as ‘It’s all about science, but stupider, and with more dick jokes.’  Actually DeLa said a great deal more about the Show, Seattle, being a burlesque star, and even about the time she was on TV with someone called RuPaul.

After this hilarious interview filmed for P.T.V. by Amy Davies we fully understood why the wonderful DeLa was once voted Miss Congeniality.

Del Filardi : My Heron Song

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del screen

On Friday after I finished interviewing 20-something-year-old filmmaker Alden Peters on his film Coming Out for a feature we will broadcast on PTV on National Coming Out Day, I jumped on my bike to center of P Town for my next interviewee who couldn’t have been more different.

87 year old local artist/sculptor Del Filardi latest, and probably last, Exhibition was opening at the Kobalt Gallery. Called ‘My Heron Song’  all the pieces in the show are about Filardi’s great passion ….the blue heron.

Filardi’s work is nothing less than stunning and her skill with a welding torch is incomparable. She combines found objects with the steel scraps that she has magically transformed into one great blue after another, each appearing ready to launch from a weathered perch or land amid willowy reeds. Her highly collectable work can be found in both private and public collections, and although this Show will be on view for another week, every single piece sold within minutes.

We had actually met briefly last year when she was with her other great passion  …. Harriet Rubin her partner for the past 47 years  … when they were at the launch of B Proud’s book First Comes Love : a  celebration of long-term relationships in the LGBTQ community, which naturally they were in.


Show runs until September 8th 2016 http://kobaltgallery.com

Filmed by Judy Rolfe for P.T.V.

Ester Gould talks about Strike A Pose to queerguru

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In 1990, seven young male dancers joined Madonna on her very controversial Blonde Ambition World Tour. On stage and in the iconic film ‘Truth or Dare’ they showed the world how to express yourself. Now, 25 years later, documentarians Ester Gould & Reijer Zwaans revisit the men to talk about their lives during and after the tour.

Heartbreaking and very touching this completely compelling film is also a reflection on how far the gay community has journeyed in the past 25 years.

Ester Gould the Co-director talks to queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack for PTV during #PIFF16 earlier this summer.

The film is edited by Amy Davies


Elizabeth Schwartz talks about BEFORE I DO with queerguru

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Miami based LGBT activist and lawyer Elizabeth Schwartz has just published her first book  BEFORE I DO : A Legal Guide to Marriage, Gay & Otherwise.  On the eve of the book’s launch in P.Town on October 9th as part of Womensweek & BridePride, Elizabeth sat down with queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack to explain why this book is essential reading for everyone about to get married …..including queerguru himself.

The interview was filmed by Richard Bolton for P.T.V. 



P Town Launch  : Marc Jacobs Reading Room of P Town Public Library
                              Sunday, October 9   @   2:30 pm

Books available also from http://thenewpress.com/books/before-i-do


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