
Miss Richfield 1981 wants you to know that she is Born Again

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queerguru sat down with the outrageously funny Miss Richfield 1981 ostensibly to talk about her new show #BORNAGAIN at her new summer home on Provincetown at The Pilgrim House but the Queen of Shade couldn’t hold back dishing on so much more. 

And this is only Part One as later that same day we filmed her filming a Facebook Live at Hook Provincetown that we will post very soon.

6 Weeks to Mothers Day

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Filmmaker Marvin Blunte and his producer Ladawan Sondak talk about their movie 6 WEEKS TO MOTHERS DAY the remarkable story of Rajani Dhgonchai universally known as “Mother” who runs an extraordinary orphanage in the jungles of Thailand. The movie premiered at Miami Film Festival

The interview with Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Hussein Wentz in a noisy Press Room at The Standard Spa, Miami Beach

After Louie’s Vincent Gagliostro on daring us to dream again

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The veteran gay activist/author/playwright Larry Kramer was right.  Again.  After Louie is indeed a movie that had to be made.  Filmmaker Vincent Gagliostro talks about his directing debut with this powerful and entertaining inter-generational drama about AIDS. Starring Alan Cumming and Zachary Booth the story tackles how we are all coping now the the AIDS pandemic is no longer the lethal threat to us all that it once was.

Gagliostro told queerguru that After Louie is about getting that older generation to dare to dream again, and at the same time, getting the younger generation to just dream

The interview was filmed at The Lands End Inn Provincetown during #PIFF2017 by Heather Reed & Hussein Wentz for queerguru reports on PTV’s Channel 99

P.S. You can read queerguru’s full review of the movie HERE.

Alden Peters talks about COMING OUT with queerguru

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When 20 year old filmmaker Alden Peters decided he was ready to come out as a gay man to his family and friends he did some research to see if he could find any sort of guidelines to help him handle the situation.  He was particularly concerned with how to deal with the next step after his coming out, but sadly he could find nothing at all that offered any real advice. This was all about the same time as the tragic death of college student Tyler Clementi who took his own life after being outed by a roommate, and so the whole dialogue about the sensitive subject had publicly taken on a new dimension in the media.

So in the end the utterly charming Peters did it the only way he knew, and that was to film each of the encounters which he hoped would then help him and his immediate circle understand the situation better.

Peters was unquestionably one of the lucky ones with a family that loves him unconditional and a set of friends that accept him for who he is without question.  The result is a remarkably wonderful insightful documentary called Coming Out that Wolfe Video are releasing on VOD to celebrate National Coming Out Day on Tuesday 11th October. To mark the occasion Alden Peters talked to queerguru via FaceTime for P.T.V. about the movie and the journey it took him on.


For queerguru’s full review of Coming Out the film, click HERE

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