
Kristen Becker talks about The Summer of Sass

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There’s not many times when queerguru literally takes (0ne of his many) hats off, but Kristen Becker’s truly wonderful new scheme is something that we are so totally smitten with, we couldn’t stop ourselves.  This out  …. and very loud …… lesbian comedian who has made Provincetown her home for a few years now, has started a project to help some of the disadvantaged LGBT youth from Louisiana where she originally hailed from.  Now the third one has just arrived to spend the summer in Provincetown, which is bound to be real life-affirming experience, Kristen took time to sit down with queerguru to talk all about The Summer of Sass.

The interview was recorded by Roger Walker-Dack for ‘queerguru reports‘ on PTV’s Channel 99.




SUMMER OF SASS the work program that transforms lives by relocating LGBTQI 18-20 year olds gets a VERY BIG BREAK

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Queerguru has been following Summer Of Sass since comedian Kristen Becker started it 6 years ago : It is a summer work program that transforms lives by relocating LGBTQI 18-20 yr olds from oppressive areas in the US to the welcoming community of Provincetown, Mass which has been an amazing success: now we sat down to talk with her again to share the news of the phenomenal anonymous donor who has given them sufficient funds to buy their very own house : check out our interview to hear all the details AND how YOU can help Summer of Sass continue to flourish


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