Saturday, July 20th, 2019

Is renaming ‘fraternity’ and ‘sorority’ a ‘collegiate Greek system residence’ going too far in political correctness?


How far should go with political correctness in not offending gender-neutral folk?    Well one Californian City thinks we should go all the way  and beyond.

Berkeley City Council should  be applauded  for  their new measure which states that ‘She,’ ‘her,’ ‘he,’ and ‘him’ will be replaced by ‘they’ and ‘them.’  But then the blanket  around two dozen commonly used terms to be replaced with gender-neutral terms instead gets a little questionable.

E.G.  manholes will be renamed ‘maintenance holes’ and ‘man-made’ replaced with ‘artificial’ ; ‘manpower’ will become ‘human effort’ or ‘workforce’,firemen’ is set to become ‘firefighters.’   pregnant woman or women.  will be switched to pregnant employees as well as brothers and sisters being switched to sibling.

So far so good but then when it comes to terms like fraternity or sorority which will be changed to ‘collegiate Greek system residence.’ it feels like a tad too much.

It obviously will not upset the people of Berkeley too much as they are used to being pioneers when it comes tp change,  After all they were the first ones to adopt curbside recycling back in the 1970s. it became the first ones to tax sugary drinks and ban natural gas in newly-built homes.

Posted by queerguru  at  10:40

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