Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

Just When You Thought He Had Gone For Good

download (1)Well surprise, surprise!  After being roundly defeated by the voters in his own State of Florida which forced him to pull the plug on his Presidential Campaign, Senator Marco Rubio …….known fondly by us locals as ‘Liar Liar Coat’s On Fire’ has changed his mind AGAIN.  Just two days before nominations closed Rubio has announced that he will go back on his word and run for the Senate again. Actually none of us ever believed all those sweeping statements of his that he was going back to being a ‘private citizen,’ although we did think that Miami car dealer Norman Braman may have wanted Rubio to work selling cars in his Showroom to pay off some of the many millions he wasted supporting his doomed bid for the White House.

It is not the fact that Rubio has one of the worse attendancemarco_rubio_kochenstein_flames_boiling_water records at the Senate of all time that we object too, it is as HRC outlined in a new report published this week, the fact that he has consistently been on the wrong side of equality when it comes to the LGBT community. It’s not just that he bitterly opposes our rights, but he has consistently vowed to work towards turning the clock back and taking back any and every freedom that we have gained.  

You can read the full report HERE and please share it with anyone who is even thinking of voting for this obnoxious self-serving right-wing bigot who is just as dangerous as the GOP Presidential Candidate when it comes to our community.

Posted by queerguru  at  11:39

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