Monday, June 7th, 2021

A 40-Something Gay Man’s Guide to Skincare by QUEERGURU Lifestyle Editor PETER MINKOFF


Being a gay guy in your 40s is already enough as 40 is 100 in gay years. But that is why we try to do anything that will help us at least look better when we hit a certain age. Apart from regularly going to the gym and working out to keep our pecs and six-packs intact (as much as we can), we spend a lot of time and energy keeping our face skin as young as it can be. This might be quite challenging once you hit 40, but it’s not impossible, and if someone’s going to succeed in that, it’s a gay guy! But what are the most important things to bear in mind as far as skincare is concerned? Is it the same when you’re 20 and 40? Take a look:

You are what you eat

Even though many perceive this saying to be cliché, everything you eat really does reflect your body. Once you hit your thirties, you cannot really eat junk food and look amazing anymore – this is the time when you have to start thinking about changing your diet. For most people, for example, eating greasy food has adverse side effects, such as acne, which might be our most hated enemy. Others do not react well to dairy food, so you need to steer clear of anything you think or see that does not help your face skin. 

Know what products are for you


There is a difference between using skincare products and using high-quality skincare products on a daily basis. Regular skincare products might do good things for the skin of your face if you’re in your 20s when your skin adapts faster and more easily. However, when you hit your 30s and 40s, paying attention to the products that you use is of the utmost importance. What you can also do is opt for some good Korean skin care products that will help keep the elasticity of your face even when you pass your thirties. There are plenty of different brands on the market, so what you need to do is test some of them to see which products suit you the most based on your skin type and the ingredients. 

Do not forget the Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity of skincare includes cleansing, moisturizing and exfoliating regularly, which doesn’t become any less important once you hit a certain age. These are the three things that you should always be doing, regardless of how old you are. First and foremost, do not forget to cleanse twice every day – in the morning and the evening. The same goes with moisturizing, but use two different moisturizers for day and night. This is important as the ones you are supposed to use at night are stronger as your skin has more time to absorb everything during the night. As far as exfoliation is concerned, do this at least twice a week. Plenty make a mistake and exfoliate every day or every other day, which might backfire if you start cleaning the healthy oils off your skin. You should also add an eye mask to your routine to lose those fine lines around your eyes that appear when you’re 30+.

Stop smoking, hydrate and exercise


One more thing – no more smoking. Cigarettes are horrible for your skin as they are full of toxins that do not do your body or skin any good. What’s more, it would be good to avoid second-hand smoke as well, as even exposure to cigarette fumes can damage your skin. Also – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! The thing that helps your skin keep its elasticity the most is water, so drink like there’s no tomorrow! Finally, do not underestimate the power of fitness. Exercise is one of the secrets to youth, and it can do wonders for both your muscles and skin. It will help you stimulate your metabolic rate, increase blood flow and detoxify your body through sweat.

It’s always important to pay attention to skincare. But if you’re 30+, make sure to know what you’re using, and stay focused and devoted. Make a routine out of it and you will see the results in just several months.

QUEERGURU Correspondent PETER MINKOFF is  a gay health and lifestyle writer at QUEER VOICES magazine. 
Besides writing, he worked as a freelance fashion stylist in Europe and Australia. A true craft beer and soy latte 
aficionado, he loves spending his days at the beach and visiting second hand stores on a daily basis. Follow Peter 
on TWITTER for more tips.


Posted by queerguru  at  19:44

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