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This engrossing and jam-packed documentary on the first ever-female Leader of a Moslem Country starts with scenes of her assassination in 2007, before embarking on becoming a riveting history lesson on both Ms. Bhutto and Pakistan. There’s a myriad of facts, like it is the 6th most populated country in the world, and 97% Moslem, … Continue reading


Posted on Categories 5 min movie guideLabels , ,

I think this is the first film to provide a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through well-documented research … Continue reading


Posted on Categories 5 min movie guideLabels , ,

Neil Barksy’s engrossing new documentary is an affectionate look at one of the most infuriating larger-than-life politicians who almost loved his job and his city as much as he adored himself.  Ed Koch was a three term Mayor of New York who rescued his city from the throes of bankruptcy in the 1970’s and practically … Continue reading

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