Monday, December 13th, 2021

How to Run a Thriving LGBTQ Business : advice from Queerguru’s Lifestyle Editor Peter Minkoff


Being able to run your own business and support the community that supported you for a long time is amazing. However, the job is not easy. You’ll certainly face numerous obstacles, but that shouldn’t discourage you from succeeding in your dream. So, how can you run a thriving LGBTQ business when competition is so strong?

To create and successfully run an LGBTQ business, supporting equal rights is not enough anymore. Since “regular” businesses are all for equality, you need to take it a step further and use these 5 tips to make your LGBTQ business thrive!

1. Create a plan

Whether you’re just a beginner or you’ve opened up your business a while ago, you always need to have a plan you’ll follow. A plan can help you visualize your goals and how to achieve them. On top of that, it can provide you with a financial guide that will help you run your business smoothly.

Keep in mind that if you’re opening up a business for the first time, you’ll also need to pick a niche and work around it. Even though the mindsets have changed, not every business idea is suitable for LGBTQ owners. So, you can check out these small business ideas for LGBTQ couples that will increase the chances of success and allow you to freely express yourself.

2. Network and connect with others


One of the main keys to success is being able to connect with others. Since small businesses usually don’t get the needed support to thrive, networking and connecting with other businesses, influencers and individuals will certainly help you achieve your goals. Where can you do so?

In-person or online events are the perfect networking opportunity. Don’t be afraid to approach someone and suggest a collaboration. However, keep in mind that large businesses and brands usually aren’t willing to cooperate with smaller businesses, unless you can offer them some kind of value. Therefore, discover your value and pursue your business dreams!

3. Promote, promote, promote

Businesses, large or small, depend on marketing. If the marketing is horrible, chances of reaching a final goal are slim to none, even if you have the best idea in the world! So, don’t risk your magnificent idea and invest your resources into marketing.

In case you’re a beginner without adequate funds for a marketing expert, consider taking up a course where you’ll learn to do it yourself! Use social media apps, brand image, and your business partners to promote your business. Keep in mind that finding the right target audience is crucial for your promotion.

4. Create a supportive workplace


Many business owners claim they support equal rights, however, they don’t display it in their workplace. This leads to unsatisfied employees and even customers that are ready to leave negative comments and reviews all over the internet, which will ruin your reputation. So, to avoid that, create a supportive and honest workplace atmosphere where employees will feel safe. How can you do so?

Even though there are many steps you need to take towards encouraging an atmosphere, one of the main aspects is honest and transparent communication. To easily and safely share information with your employees, consider using a platform that provides you with an engaging interface. Find out more here about all the benefits engagement apps and platforms can offer to your business.

5. Give back to the community

Last, but not least, if you want to skyrocket your popularity, you need to find ways to give back to the community. By doing so, chances are you‘ll get more media coverage, your word of mouth marketing will increase, and you‘ll feel like a better person overall! So, what are some of the main ways of giving back to the community?

Celebrate pride month and indulge in activities organized by the community. On top of that, try to promote workplace equality by giving everyone an equal chance no matter what their sexual orientation, the color of their skin, or gender identity is. In addition to that, monetary donations or discounted services and products for the LGBTQ community are a fantastic idea to breakthrough in the market.

Final thoughts

As you can see, these tips are focusing on the way you run your business. To thrive as an LGBTQ business, you need to focus on the promotion of equality and the importance of LGBTQ individuals in society, and what is a better way to do so than by supporting, giving back, and connecting with others?!


QUEERGURU Lifestyle Editor PETER MINKOFF is  a gay health and lifestyle writer at QUEER VOICES magazine. Besides writing, he worked as a freelance fashion stylist in Europe and Australia. A true craft beer and soy latte aficionado, he loves spending his days at the beach and visiting second hand stores on a daily basis. Follow Peter on TWITTER for more tips.

Posted by queerguru  at  11:51

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