Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021

Leo Adef captures the spirit of queer Berlin’s Ballroom Scene


When Leo Adef a queer filmmaker and photographer from Argentina , who is based in  Barcelona, visited Berlin it inspired him to make this compelling short film on their Ballroom scene.

I’s called Safe because this is what the scene represents to the local BPOC queer community. 

Adef told Ireland’s Gen Magazine I met these performers. They opened up to me rather quickly and shared their stories and experiences, which moved me. Since I started creating films, I always chose to portray stories that are not represented much in mainstream culture.

“As a queer person, I learned a lot from my own community in Barcelona, and when I met this community in Berlin, I knew that I wanted to create something like this with them.”

“It was a new opportunity for me to make something for my community, to inspire others, and to share stories with a lot of value.”

You can follow Leo Adef and his stunning portfolio of work at https://leoadef.com/


Posted by queerguru  at  10:44

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