
KIM DAVID SMITH : think Marlene Dietrich crossed with Kylie Minogue

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Kim David Smith has been wowing audiences with his tour-de-force performance in the title role of Oscar Wilde’s SALOME at the Provincetown Theater all summer. Now he is about win over even more with his own Cabaret Show at Crown & Anchor this week. In between all of this we caught up with him for a chat on the Salome set to discover for ourselves what the excitement is all about.

The interview was filmed by #HusseinWentz for Queerguru.

Kristen Becker talks about The Summer of Sass

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There’s not many times when queerguru literally takes (0ne of his many) hats off, but Kristen Becker’s truly wonderful new scheme is something that we are so totally smitten with, we couldn’t stop ourselves.  This out  …. and very loud …… lesbian comedian who has made Provincetown her home for a few years now, has started a project to help some of the disadvantaged LGBT youth from Louisiana where she originally hailed from.  Now the third one has just arrived to spend the summer in Provincetown, which is bound to be real life-affirming experience, Kristen took time to sit down with queerguru to talk all about The Summer of Sass.

The interview was recorded by Roger Walker-Dack for ‘queerguru reports‘ on PTV’s Channel 99.




Leslie Jordan throwing ‘shade’ ….

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The can be no more perfect way to start any weekend than having breakfast with the deliciously funny Emmy Award Winner Leslie Jordan. He is here in  P Town with his brand new show EXPOSED at the Crown & Anchor to kick off the annual Bear Week.  He met with  queerguru to ostensibly talk about show, but he also delighted us by throwing some outrageous shade about some of the people he comes across in his rather manic jam-packed life.

He is unquestionably one of the nicest Southern white trash gentleman we ever have had the pleasure of sharing some time with.  He spilt lots of beans too, so if you want to know if he’ll be back to taunt his nemesis Karen Walker watch the interview below.  Then go beg, steal or borrow to get a ticket to go see him perform  ……NewYork beckons after P Town…. and you can his Tour schedule at http://www.thelesliejordan.com/ 

The interview was filmed for queerguru reports on PTV’s Channel 99 at the Carpe Diem Guesthouse & Spa by Heather Reed & Hussein Wentz, and was edited by Heather Reed.

Liz Baxter : your friendly neighborhood lesbian

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Liz Baxter recently made waves by being the first openly lesbian contestant on Andy Cohen ‘s Love Connection  and shocked the nation by giving her Date a big wet kiss on live national tv. Liz talked to Roger Walker-Dack  for queergurutv.com via #Facetime about what happened next.

Liz has a  new website https://yourfriendlyneighborhoodlesbian.com/ and YouTube channel and is now hoping to making a ‘non-romantic’ connection with lesbians everywhere.

Mark Björstrom talks about SKIP

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Mark Björstrom a director and volunteer of SKIP Provincetown’s Soup Kitchen talks to Roger Walker-Dack about the work of the organization and the significant impact it makes on the greatly reduced number of residents in Town in the winter season.

Filmed by Hussein Wentz for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99.

With thanks to Mark Björstrom & Joe Spada

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