
queerquru Top Ten LGBT Docs of 2016

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2016 was a particularly golden year for the number of LGBTQ documentaries that found their way onto our screens. From movies that looked back at our history and iconic cultural figures in our past, to the ones that focused on the everyday struggles of queer youth coming to terms with their identity and fitting in within our community, to others who discovered larger-than-life activists that are making such a difference. For every one of the excellent films that made our list, we had to leave dozens out that so deserved both our attention and acknowledgement.  Queer cinema has never been stronger.

Here then our TOP TEN PICKS of the BEST LGBTQ DOCUMENTARIES of 2016 (and all but No 10 are available on streaming platforms everywhere) filmed for P.T.V. 

Rebecca Alvin talks about The Cape Cod Festival of Arab & Middle Eastern Cinema

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a still from Tickling Giants


Rebecca Alvin talks to queerguru about The Cape Cod Festival of Arab & Middle Eastern Cinema that kicks off in Chatham on May 4th, and in ends in Provincetown on May 7th.  This biennel event screens 5 movies in three different towns and is part of the Art Spring Cape Cod Festival.

For further information and tickets check out www.capecodfilmsociety.com

The interview was filmed by Roger Walker-Dack for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99.


Revisiting DESERT HEARTS with Donna Deitch

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queerguru talked to filmmaker Donna Deitch the director of the 1986 iconic #lesbian cult classic Desert Hearts as she launches a brand new restored print that she will be screening at Waters Edge Cinema as the centerpiece movie during Provincetown Women’s Week AND she revealed to us her plans for a long-awaited sequel ……..and so much more. 

Robbie Leppzer on Power Struggle

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Robbie Leppzer is the writer/director of a new feature length documentary Power Struggle which paints an alarming picture about the state of nuclear power and democracy.  The film raises disturbing issues about the safety of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant and the lies and deceit of the authorities responsible for both running it, and overseeing it too.

Leppzer talked to Roger Walker-Dack and the interview was filmed at the Lands End Inn during #PIFF2017 by Heather Reed & Hussein Wentz for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99

Sarah Wharton talks about The Ring Thing

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When Sarah accidentally proposes to her girlfriend on a romantic beach in Provincetown she opens a whole floodgate of discussions and angst on marriage that neither of them had ever bargained for. Sarah Wharton (who plays Sarah) talks to queerguru about The Ring Thing a delightful dramedy that should be compulsory viewing for anyone contemplating same-sex (or any other type of) marriage

The interview at The Lands End Inn Provincetown during #PIFF2017 was filmed by Heather Reed & Hussein Wentz for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99.


P.S. queerguru also talked to the filmmakers Will Sullivan & Derek Dodge a gay married couple, who based The Ring Thing on the story of their own lives :  you can check that out HERE.

You can also read queerguru’s full review of The Ring Thing HERE

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