
Fawzia Mirza talks about Signature Move

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Actress (and co-writer and Producer) Fawzia Mirza plays an uptight Pakistani Muslim lesbian lawyer who  lives with her very conservative mother in Chicago.  Her life however is about to go through  a major upheaval when she falls in love with a fiery Mexican woman ……. and female wrestling too.   Signature Move currently playing the Film Festival circuit is one of the most talked about lesbian movies of year getting a great deal of love from both critics and audiences alike.

On the eve on Signature Move’s screening at Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF2017 Fawzia talked to queerguru for PTV’s Channel 99.


Filmmaker Jake Graf talks about ‘Dusk’ & trans issues and more

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On the eve of the World Premiere of his new movie DUSK at Boston’s Wicked Queer Film Festival trans filmmaker and activist Jake Graf talked to queerguru for PTV’s Channel 99.  As it was International Transgender Day of Visibility the interview covered not just Dusk, and Graf’s recent viral hit Headspace, but also about some of the issues that the trans community are still facing.

This queerguru reports was filmed via Facetime by Roger Walker-Dack


Filmmaker Jason Benjamin talks about Suited (and more)

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Jason Benjamin the director of Suited one of THE best docs of 2016 which told the story of Bindle & Keep tailors who specialize in custom made clothing for genderqueer people and the trans community, talked to queerguru about the movie and more. He was at #PIFF2017 as the guest speaker at the Evan Lawson Filmmakers Brunch to discuss a new project with Veterans Filmmaking Academy and their short film Returning.

Filmed at Lands End Inn Provincetown during #PIFF2017 by Heather Reed & Hussein Wentz for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99


P.S. You can read queerguru’s full review of Suited HERE

First Comes Love : The Trans Project

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B. Proud the photographer/writer is working on a new project following on from her phenomenally successful First Comes Love.  That book and exhibit celebrates the lives and enduring relationships of LGBTQ couples  across the U.S. who have been together for 10, 20, 30, 40, and even 50+ years.  First Comes Love sought  to change attitudes, open hearts, and propel the marriage equality movement simply by introducing and sharing the love stories of 65 real American long-term same-sex couples. 

Now B. Proud is looking to devote the new as yet unnamed Project to trans couple to celebrate their lives and give them more visibility to encourage more acceptance and protection in society.  She is planning a trip to Provincetown in 10 days and is very interested in hearing from any trans couples in the area, and from other part of the country too, who would like to participate in the Project.  To hear more about the it, check out the interview below that B. Proud recorded with Roger Walker-Dack for queerguru reports on PTV’s Channel 99


For LGBTQ movies, the future is Streaming

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There are a lot of really good #LGBTQ movies and shows made today and thanks to the arrival of Streaming Platforms that cater specifically to our community, we can all finally access them. queerguru talked to Damian Pelliccione the CEO and co-founder of REVRY one of the biggest players in the field about how we have never had it so good.

The interview for www.queergurutv.com was filmed via Facetime.

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