
James Allen Hall on growing up gay in Florida in the ’80s’

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queerguru had the pleasure of talking to author James Allen Hall about his wonderful new memoir on growing up gay in Florida in the 1980’s . I LIKED YOU BETTER BEFORE I KNEW YOU SO WELL is wonderfully warm, totally funny and very poignant .

The interview by Roger Walker-Dack was filmed at Miami Book Fair by Richard Bolton

Jennifer Reeder talks about Signature Move

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Signature Move is unquestionably one of THE must talked about lesbian movies of 2017. This modern day romance about women from two different cultures has been feted with Gala Screenings at Festivals all around the globe.  Last week it was the Closing Night Movie at London’s BFI Flare Film Festival, and on Sunday next it will be playing at  the  Cleveland International Film Festival.  Before that however it has been selected as the Opening Night Gala Film at Wicked Queer, Boston’s prestigious LGBT Film Festival on Thursday 30th March 2017.

queerguru caught up with director Jennifer Reeder at her home in Chicago just before she left to catch the plane to Boston, and she talked to us exclusively for P.T.V. about why her movie was such a hot ticket right now.

This queerguru reports was filmed by Roger Walker-Dack for P.T.V. For our full review of the movie go to  http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2017/03/signature-move


Jimmy James : Young & Modern

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The legendary singer and performer Jimmy James a two-time MAC Award Winner is back where it all started for him at The Sage Inn in P.Town for the whole summer season.  He has a brand new show  called ‘History Repeating’  which  as well as including the ‘voices’ of some of the stars that helped made him famous like Bette Davis and Billie Holliday,  Jimmy has introduced a whole swathe of new material ….from the likes of Lana Del Rey and Adele ….. that he calls ‘young and modern’.

One night after another sold out show he sat down with Roger Walker-Dack to bring us all up to speed with how he has yet once again ‘reinvented himself’ AND as a special treat, he also sang live for our cameras too.

Filmed by Hussein Wentz for ‘queerguru reports’ on PTV’s Channel 99 at The Sage Inn & Lounge, Provincetown.

Special thanks to Chris Page & David Burbank

John Waters talks to queerguru

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Provincetown’s own Renaissance Man John Waters sat down to talk to queerguru at #PIFF2017 to share how busy he is ……as usual. The Pope of Trash who has called P Town his summer home for decades has always been a major force in the Film Festival too, and we literally caught him for a chat when he was dashing from event to event.

The interview for ‘queerguru reports ‘ on PTV’s Channel 99 was filmed at Lands End Inn by Heather Reed & Hussein Wentz


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