
A Golden Digital Memorial Weekend Drag Brunch

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This Memorial Day Weekend The Golden Gays NYC should have been performing live at Pilgrim House in PTown but never one to let a something like COVID 19 get in their way, they are performing a GOLDEN DIGITAL DRAG BRUNCH instead. They will be beaming it live from NY via their own FB page (plus also the FB pages of Pilgrim House and QUEERGURU) so we tracked down Miss Blanche to talk all about it

Sunday, May 24, 2020 2:00pm EST Extra special guest appearance by The Mutha of the Haus of Pilgrim: Mackenzie Miller 

Venmo and Paypal @TheGoldenGaysNYC

Alexis Clements doc ALL WE’VE GOT takes a close look at plight of LGBTQ womens spaces

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Many of us have opinions about the plight of LGBTQ Womens Spaces throughout the country, but queer filmmaker Alexis Clements actually took her camera out on the road and investigated in detail. Her fascinating film is a must-see for all of us who care about the future of the LGBTQ Community.

Queerguru caught up with her to film this interview on the eve of a special screening of All We’ve Got at Bright Lights Film Series at Emerson in Boston 02/6/20

http://www.wmm.com (Women Make Movies)


Andre Jordan makes it to Broadway

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We first came across queer actor/performer Andre Jordan in 2017 when he wrote to Queerguru saying he thought we would like his new web series The Queens Project. He was so wrong.  We didn’t like it.  We loved it. 

Our paths have crossed a few times since then as he insists on coming to Provincetown most summers, and even in those packed crowds, Andre is very difficult to miss.   He is always busy working and has performed in National Tours of musicals like ‘Shrek’ and ‘Legally Blonde‘.   It has all finally paid off as he has now landed his first part on Broadway.

Andre is appearing Diana: A True Musical Story the story of The Princess of Wales which is currently in previews.  We knew how excited he would be so we couldn’t wait to track him down in NY to talk to him.  

Check out our interview and you will discover that like us you’ll be swept away with his infectious humor and genuine zest for life.  He got the part because of his sheer talent,  but we think that  this success couldn’t have happened to a nicer person

Aurelien and Nicolas Want To Be Daddies

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Aurelian and Nicolas are a disarmingly charming French gay couple knew they were meant for each other the very first time they met . They also knew that they wanted their own family.. However with the Government, the Church, French culture + society’s homophobia against this, they knew that the odds were hardly stacked in their favor. But they were passionate and determined about having children even if it meant breaking French law.

This journey, spread over several years was filmed by Jonathon Narducci and now on the eve of the documentary, GHOSTS OF THE REPUBLIQUE, being released in the US,   QUEERGURU tracked down Aurelien & Nicolas in Paris to find out if their story really has a happy ever after ending

https://www.ghostsoftherepublique.com/ available streaming on November 17th from Amazon Prime, Itunes, GooglePlay , Microsoft & other major streaming platforms.


Check out www.querguru.com to read our full review of the film 


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