
The Ballroom Boys : where you have to have balls to survive

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ACORN TV is Queerguru’s favorite ‘go-to’ TV Channel for the best in British TV programs that are worthy of sharing around the globe.  Our latest discovery from them is The Ballroom Boys.

In the world of competitive ballroom, there’s a serious shortage of young male dancers, and hundreds of girls lining up for every boy. This totally charming documentary follows four of these rare boys, from a small part of Wales where rugby is king for most young men, as they head toward the biggest competition of their lives so far: the UK championships.

With just six boys in a school of 1000 they are in great demand by the girls, but makes slim pickings for any potentially gay lad.

It’s a wonderful eye opener on how they handle disapproval from peers, friends and sometimes fathers. And maybe makes you sad thinking you missed out.  Or maybe not?


Streaming on https://acorn.tv/

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