
Bobby Miller reminisces about Warhol, Lady Bunny, Indian Larry, Mapplethorpe and some of the cast of characters in his life so far

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Bobby Miller is a poet, photographer, performer, make up artist, hairstylist & actor who was a habitue of Studio 54 and Wigstock before he moved to #PTown to set up his studio and home. With a wealth of fascinating stories to tell, he shared a few of them with QUEERGURU one afternoon last week.

The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack was filmed in Bobby Miller’s studio


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Photographer BOBBY MILLER talks about his new Exhibit at AMP Ptown

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The photographer Bobby Miller who is also a performance poet, writer, actor is taking part in a new Group Show at AMP: Art Market Provincetown This particular body of work covers some of his early photographs of NY in the 70’s & 80’s , and also images from his highly successful PTOWN PEEPS series.

He talked with QUEERGURU at AMP Gallery which was filmed by Dan Desjardins


P.S. You may want to check our our interview with Bobby Miller from last year  http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2018/09/bobby-miller-reminisces-about-warhol-lady-bunny-indian-larry-mapplethorpe-and-some-of-the-cast-of-characters-in-his-life-so-far

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