
Aurelien and Nicolas Want To Be Daddies

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Aurelian and Nicolas are a disarmingly charming French gay couple knew they were meant for each other the very first time they met . They also knew that they wanted their own family.. However with the Government, the Church, French culture + society’s homophobia against this, they knew that the odds were hardly stacked in their favor. But they were passionate and determined about having children even if it meant breaking French law.

This journey, spread over several years was filmed by Jonathon Narducci and now on the eve of the documentary, GHOSTS OF THE REPUBLIQUE, being released in the US,   QUEERGURU tracked down Aurelien & Nicolas in Paris to find out if their story really has a happy ever after ending

https://www.ghostsoftherepublique.com/ available streaming on November 17th from Amazon Prime, Itunes, GooglePlay , Microsoft & other major streaming platforms.


Check out www.querguru.com to read our full review of the film 


Broderick Fox talks about MANSCAPING his doc about three queer men who are reimagining the traditional barbershop,

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Queerguru talks with queer filmmaker Broderick Fox on the eve of the European Premiere of Manscaping his latest documentary about three queer men who reimagine the traditional barbershop, restyling masculinity along the way featuring Devan Shimoyama Jessie Anderson of Big Bro’s Barbershop + Dick Savvy aka The Naked Barber: screening at BFI Flare in London





PLUS you can read QUEERGURU:s full review of the film here :


Queerguru’s shaven head Contributing Editor Andrew Hebden reviews MANSCAPING : an intimate story about mens hair

Filmmaker Eric Juhola talks about Growing Up Coy

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The Mathis are a remarkable family whose courage and determination rarely faltered when they supported their youngest child Coy who started transitioning from male to female in kindergarten after it was clear that Coy felt he was a girl.  Growing Up Coy documents the family’s fight for her right to use the girls’ bathroom in a landmark civil rights case that prompted a nationwide debate. 

On the eve of the movie being released for global streaming to over 190 countries on Netflix (it is already available on Itunes) director Eric Juhola talked to queerguru at PTV via Facetime about just how important Coy Mathis’s touching story really is.



For a full review of the movie click http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2016/12/growing-up-coy

Freddy McConnell : The Dad Who Gave Birth

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30 year Brit Freddy McConnell always wanted to be a parent and the fact that he is a transman was never going to stop him. He entrusted his friend  Filmmaker Jeanie Finlay with the task of filming his journey in such a non-sensationalised way so that he could share all the trials and tribulations of him giving birth.

On the eve of this excellent heart-touching documentary Seahorse: The Dad Who Gave Birth getting a VOD/DVD release in the US on 6/16, Queerguru tracked down Freddy to where he and baby Jack are in lockdown in their small hometown on the British coast.  https://seahorsefilm.com/

P.S. You can read Queerguru’s full review of the documentary HERE

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