
GENE FEDORKO talks about CONVERSATIONS WITH GAY ELDERS a story telling project by David Weissman

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Emmy Award nominated filmmaker David Weissman has been shooting a gay storytelling project called CONVERSATIONS WITH GAY ELDERS a series of films with different gay men aged 72 – 86 ,and all edited by young gay men between 20 & 30 years old.

Debbie Nadolney the Curator of AMP: Art Market Provincetown hosted a screening on the edition filmed with Eugene N. Fedorko (known as Gene) a larger-than-life character who is a medical professional, caregiver, art collector, curator, activist, sexual outlaw, and cultural flâneur …. and a resident of #Ptown back in the hippy 1970’s.

Gene Fedorko and Conversations with Gay Ekders

After the screening he sat down to talk with QUEERGURU

P.S For details of future screenings contact https://davidweissmanfilms.com/new-project/


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