
Aaron Bear talks about YES I AM: THE RIC WEILAND STORY

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Queerguru is frequently drawn to Seattle as it is the home of such an extraordinarily wonderful and unique queer culture that is so unlike any other US city. With Dina Martina as its unofficial patron saint, there seems to be no end to the talent that emerges from there.  

We were back there again this week to talk with filmmaker Aaron Bear and when we asked if he thought it was all to do with ‘something in the water’ he immediately responded that it was actually ‘something in the rain.”  

We first came across Bear’s work in 2017 when we reviewed his debut film, Finding Kim.  It was a heart-touching compelling documentary about Kim Byford who at the age of 49 had decided that the time is finally right to complete her transition from female to male.   We wrote back then that it was an unmissable gem of a film.

Now on the eve of his latest documentary about to be screened as part of Miami’s OUTshine LGBTQ Film Festival this week so we talked with Bear about YES I AM: The Ric Weiland Story.  Queerguru is still reeling from the fact that we had never previously heard of Weiland who was one of the greatest queer activists and philanthropists EVER.

It’s a fascinating story that needs to reach the audience it so deserves, particularly within the LGBTQ community.   

P.S. It goes without saying, that Weiland spent a large part of his life in Seattle too.



The creator and star of France’s hottest queer film SAUVAGE talk to Queerguru

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SAUVAGE is one of the most powerful French queer movies of the year and is the feature film debut of writer/director Camille Vidal-Naquet.  It stars Felix Maritaud (whose breakthrough role was in the multi-award winning AIDS drama BPM Beats Per Minute) and who was recently described as the ‘the hottest young actor on the planet you’ve never heard of”.  You  will never forget after seeing his performance as the young street hustler with a heart that won him the Best Newcomer Award at Cannes Film Festival last year.

Both men talked to QUEERGURU via Facetime as the movie opened in select US movie theaters

N.B. You can read QUEERGURU’s full review of the movie HERE

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