
Thirsty Burlington Talks about THIRSTY the Movie

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thirsty title card

Last week queerguru had the sheer joy of talking to the legendary performer Miss Thirsty Burlington who is ‘more Cher than Cher’ on the eve of the sneak preview of the first ever public screening of THIRSTY, a fab new movie based on her life. The setting was the equally fabulous Velvet Lounge in the heart of Provincetown just before the Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16 kicked off.

We showed a clip of the interview on PTV’s Facebook page last week and it quickly went VIRAL!  Here then is the full conversation filmed by Heather Reed and also by Rik Ahlberg who edited the piece too.

P.S. Both screenings of THIRSTY sold out within hours breaking Festival Box Office records BUT a little dickie bird tells us that it will be back in Provincetown some time this summer, and also very soon in the Rest Of The World.  Follow both PTV and Thirsty The Movie on Facebook to be sure not to miss out.


queerguru talks with Miss Richfield 1981

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It took a long time for queerguru to finally get a chance to sit down and talk with the fabulous Miss Richfield 1981, and it was so worth the wait. This former beauty pageant queen has been starring in her own shows in P Town every summer since ……well, it seems for ever.  Not only did we get to dish the dirt with the best thing/person to ever leave Minnesota, but Miss Richfield 1981 exclusively revealed in this interview for P.T.V. that Hillary Clinton phoned her first to offer her the VP job but she had to turn it down as she is so busy.

We have not stopped laughing ever since we filmed this as this hilarious fast-talking wickedly funny gal never lets up for a single moment .

Filmed & Edited by Amy Davies

Miss Richfield 1981 is appearing all summer at https://onlyatthecrown.com/

Remy Auberjonois talks about BLOOD STRIPE

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queerguru talks to Remy Auberjonois the direct0r and co-writer of Blood Stripe : a dramatic psychological thriller about a female Marine veteran and the struggle to come home. Starring and co-written by Kate Nowlin (aka Mrs Aubejonois) and co-starring the director’s father the veteran Hollywood actor Rene Auberjonois.  Winner of the US Fiction Award at the L.A. Film Festival and also The John Schlesinger Award for First Time Directors at the Provincetown Film Festival.

The interview was filmed by Rik Ahlberg at Sage Lounge and Inn, Provincetown for P.T.V. as part of their coverage of #PIFF16


Bob Mackie talks to queerguru

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Bob M screen

When we went to interview Marilyn Maye the other day, we spotted the legendary 9 Emmy Award Winning Costume Designer BOB MACKIE trying to have a peaceful cup of coffee on the porch of The Anchor Inn in Provincetown. We literally pounced on him to ask if would allow us to finish a conversation we had last summer when we had also come across him unexpectedly and turned on our cameras.

Luckily for us, this Hollywood and TV icon is one of the most generous men we have ever had the good fortune to meet, and he agreed.

Bob Mackie is talking with queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack for P.T.V., filmed by Amy Davies at The Anchor Inn, Provincetown.


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