
Queer choreographer & dancer Pioneer Winter talks to queerguru

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Pioneer Winter is an extraordinary young man. This Miami born and bred queer choreographer and artist is a powerhouse of energy and passion who seems to succeed at anything and everything he sets his mind on which usually  is all about pushing the envelope as far as he can.

He founded his own Company the Pioneer Winter Collective in order to create dance pieces that that fully embrace his particular  narrative that includes dancers and performers of all shapes and sizes, every gender and sexuality. His most recent work Gimp Gait, which stuns one into a very respectful silence, is a duo danced with Marjorie who is normally confined to a wheelchair.

Pioneer is also an activist who started LEAP : Leaders of Equality through Arts and Performance whose programs support and provides opportunities for LGBTQ youth. And if that is not enough he is also the Director of the Tigertail Screen Dance Festival too.  Pinning him down for an interview was no easy task, but we are so pleased we did, and take a look at why.

Filmed at O Cinema Wynwood for P.T.V. by Douglas C. Lance of Fotonoggin.com

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