
Bride Pride’ s Ilene Mitnick & Alli Baldwin talk to queerguru

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bride screen

Ilene Mitnick and her wife Alli Baldwin of Roux, Provincetown are aiming to qualify for a place in the Guinness Book of Records with Bride Pride the world’s largest all-girl wedding to be held in P Town during Womensweek in October.  The rather disarmingly charming couple talked to (newly affianced) queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack about all their plans to ensure that everybody gets to have the ‘best day of their lives’ in real P.Town style.

Filmed at Roux by Judy Rolfe for P.T.V.



Two gregarious gay women and their wee piece of culinary heaven

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Veronique Leroux#JeanDoherty together for some 32 years and who claim they are really gay men in womens bodies, own and run Le Patio Wilton Manors that is a romantic wee gem that may also be the smallest restaurant we have ever eaten in. This rather disarmingly charming pair told us that 98% of their customers were gay men so we felt very much at home when we sat down to talk to them.

The interview was conducted by Roger Walker-Dack and filmed by Dan Desjardin

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