
Michael Childers : Hollywood Photographer, Producer and one half of an iconic gay couple

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When Michael Childers was at the Provincetown Film Festival recently to present awards in the name of his late life partner the filmmaker John Schlesinger we seized this golden opportunity to film an interview with him. Not only did he share a wealth of stories about his own very successful career, and his 37 year romance with John with whom he also worked with professionally, but he gave us a glimpse of the charmed life that he is still enjoying today (and he threw in some delicious shade too)

The conversation with Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Dan Desjardins at The Inn on Cook Street in Provincetown


Michael Childers :Legendary Photographer + one of the very best gay raconteurs

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Legendary photographer and one of the very best queer raconteurs ever,  Michael Childers has a whole history steeped in old glamorous Hollywood, plus his stint working with Andy Warhol etc etc

YET he lives very much for the present: we caught him when he came to Ptown (via Palm Springs/Paris/Provence) where he has a whole wealth of friends who know him as a gay Kevin Bacon ……all of us are just six separations away from him and each other. Check out what he had to say to Queerguru.



PS  For Michael Childers archives check out :  




Michael Childers : one of the last great queer raconteurs

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Michael Childers actor, director, Hollywood veteran, photographer, producer, one half of an iconic gay couple described by Gore Vidal as one of the last great (queer) raconteurs chatted with QUEERGURU  : such a pleasure and honor and sheer joy.

The interview was conducted by Roger Walker-Dack and filmed by Dan Desjardins in Provincetown 




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