
Oliver Hermanus talks about MOFFIE his excellent harrowing coming-of-age drama

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The fact that ‘moffie’ is the South African equivalent of ‘faggot’ sets the tone for one of the most harrowing coming-of-age films we have ever seen. It is set in South Africa in 1981 in apartheid where the white minority still dominates and persecutes the ‘colored’ population. They however are not the enemy in this war drama, as the country is obsessed with fighting neighboring Angola with its Soviet-backed troops. If there is one thing that the South Africans hate as much as ‘colored’ people it is Communists. It goes without saying that ‘moffies’ are on that list too.

To keep the Army manned there is mandatory conscription for boys 18 years old ……some even just 16. This is the tale of just one of them

Queerguru talks with director Oliver Hermanus on the eve of IFC Filmsreleasing the film on VOD and in select movie theaters.

To read Queerguru's full review click HERE : For more information where the movie is playing, click HERE

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