
Linus Karp and Joseph Martin spill the beans on their new show : a comic parody with music: GYWNETH GOES SKIING

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Linus Karp is a London-based Swedish actor, writer, theatremaker, and full-time princess. He runs Awkward Productions alongside his creative and life partner Joseph Martin and together they have just enjoyed a sold-out critically acclaimed run of DIANA. THE UNTOLD STORY. (see https://queerguru.com/linus-karp-dian…) So the pair of them have gone from Royal Princess to Hollywood Princess for their new show GWYNETH GOES SKIING. Very loosely based on a recent Court Case when the Hollywood Star was sued for causing an accident on the ski slopes. She countered sued but it was the Trial that made for such good (and bad) theatre that Karp and Martin seized upon it as the subject for their new comic parody that will play at London’s Pleasance Theatre this December

Queerguru caught up with them both the day before they were due to start rehearsals to get the low down (and try and squeeze out of them the date they expect Miss P to be in the audience)

P.S. There is one final perfomance of ‘Diana’ at  the glorious Clapham Grand on Dec 6th

Linus Karp: Diana The Untold and Untrue Story

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Swedish-born London-based LINUS KARP is an exceptionally talented creator/actor whose wonderful output just couldn’t get gayer if he tried. Following his two sold-out runs of “how to live a Jellicle life: life lessons from the 2019 (dreadful) movie musical ‘cats’” …..”billed as “a silly, stupid and queer show” his new show is about the biggest gay icon of all time: Diana, Princess of Wales.

Queerguru talked with Karp on the eve of his London Premiere which proceeds a National UK Tour about his irreverent and hilarious must-see comic parody





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