
Bourgeois and Maurice : Pleasure Seekers talk to Queerguru

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When Queerguru first interviewed Bourgeois & Maurice back in 2016 we wrote they  “are a couple of sequin-clad weirdos who may in fact just be one of best pair of performance artists we have seen in a very long time”  We’ve been following these award-winning musical satirists with a penchant for the dark side ever since.

This latest interview was on the morning after the sold-out premiere of their latest show PLEASURE SEEKERS at London’s Soho Theatre. Queerguru talked to the tired pair about their exhilarating and rather wicked show which will be running for the whole of next month.

P.s. You can also read a full review of the show  from Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden  at https://bit.ly/3ujut1l


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