
Artist JOHN THOMAS PARADISO can turn your vintage gay porn into works of art.

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Queer artist John Thomas Paradiso is having his debut #PTown Show at Studio Lacombe in Whaler’s Wharf Open Studios until Oct 7th.

He talked with QUEERGURU about his collection on MASCULINE FIBER ART which allows him to honor his feminine side while striving to be more masculine.




Eric Lesh unleashes his queer art in his new PTown Gallery

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E. Lesh aka Eric Lesh is a queer portrait and figurative artist and is about to follow his dream and open his very own ART GALLERY in PROVINCETOWN. His artwork depicts queer subjects, capturing form and expression in as few lines as possible. Lesh is also a lawyer who worked for Lambda Legal and was recognized as one of the 40 Best LGBTQ+ Lawyers Under 40 by the National LGBT Bar. He talked with Queerguru about the line connecting his legal and artistic work which is a passion for justice and a desire to celebrate queer bodies and lives.


The Galley in Whalers’ Wharf Works opens on May 20th


James Miillie @ Superfine Miami Beach

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Queerguru spoke to James Miille the Creative Director and Co-Founder of Superfine – The Fair in Miami Beach about the the diverse and exciting line up of emerging new artists showing now in the week of Art Basel

Filmed by Dan Desjardins at SUPERFINE for Queerguru TV.


December 5 - 9, 2018
1001 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139 


Lyall Hakaraia talks about his iconic East End queer club VFD

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queerguru talks with Lyall Hakaraia the creative pioneer and driving force behind the burgeoning queer performance spaces in London’s EAST END. His club VFD is an exciting epicenter that hosts an extraordinary array of events that involve an array of emerging talent and some of the very best queer performers and artists that have so revitalized this part of the city.

The interview with Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Sandy MacLennan at VFD Dalston for www.queergurutv.com 

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