
Randy Roberts is Back in London Aging Disgracefully

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When you make Provincetown your summer home it’s impossible to miss Randy Roberts. Literally. Over 6ft tall dressed as Cher she comes careering down Commercial Street on her electric scooter at breakneck speed. She tends to get away with it as in this gay mecca on the tip of Cape Cod she is recognized as Drag Royalty. Hard to believe she has been a big star here for the past 25 years (especially as she is allegedly only 39 years old) and this year her one-woman show is called Randy Roberts Aging Disgracefully.

We caught up with Randy as she was wrapping up the summer season and about to fly to London to star at Crazy Coqs, London’s premiere Cabaret Club ….again…. as we Brits have also fallen for her charm too

Randy Roberts - Aging Disgracefully!
Crazy Coqs Cabaret >
Thursday, 14th September 2023 to Saturday, 16th September 2023.
Thu 21:15. Fri, Sat 19:00


Randy Roberts : You Need Us To Make The USA

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In Randy Robert’s latest show One Of The Girls who’s One Of The Boys‘ he knocks it out of the ballpark with his excellent impersonations of the likes of Joan Rivers and of course his fabulous Cher.  However, for Queerguru the show goes to an even higher plane when he’s performing as himself again. 

Last night he had the audience in raptures with his take on the Sondheim classic The Ladies Who Lunch.  But it was what followed that had us all up on our feet.  

It was a  queer patriotic song that Randy Roberts makes her very own in her show that was originally sung in the award-winning Off-Broadway musical known as Howard Crabtree’s When Pigs Fly in honor of the theatrical wizard who created it. The year  was 1996 when the AIDS pandemic had unleashed a whole new wave of homophobia and this very clever ditty reminded everyone “You Need US to Make The U.S.A.” Sadly Crabtree died of AIDS one week before the Show’s premiere: but this witty rousing song lives on ……in this case thanks to Randy Roberts 



Until September 7th 



PS you may also like to check out : 

‘Working The Streets” with RANDY ROBERTS

‘Working The Streets” with RANDY ROBERTS

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Randy Roberts is a consummate entertainer: actor, performer and very skilled female illusionist. He’s ‘old school’ drag who has developed his wonderful entertaining act from almost since he was still in short pants, and over the years has acquired a very loyal following across the globe . He is back in PTown, fresh from appearing on America’s Got Talent , and has his first summer residence for some years at Post Office Cafe and Cabaret . His new show has the appropriate title of One of the GIrls who is One of the Boys and he invited Queerguru to ‘work the street’ one sunny afternoon …. and you can see from our video …he has an infectious natural charm that no-one can resist ….even our Editor




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