
Tori Scott is back belting out to Bears ….. and she couldn’t be happier

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Once described as the Bette Midler of the new millennium, the fabulous Tori Scott is heading back to Provincetown Art House Theatre with her brand new show for her adoring fans at the start of Bear Week. Queerguru talked with her before she left NY ..





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Tori Scott is Pickled

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Singer and comedian Tori Scott loves that fact that gay men are her biggest fans even though it means her dating life sucks. She’s back in #Ptown for the 4th year at the Provincetown Art House Theatre with her new show PICKLED so called because the more vodka she is served the more raunchy the stories she tells between belting out her favorite Judy Garland, Streisand or Pink song. 

Queerguru discovered that even without her favorite tipple she is one really funny lady with a helluva voice that so deservedly won her the accolade ‘the Bette Midler of the millennials’ 

Filmed by Dan Desjardins at The PTown Art House


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