
Writer/performer/drag queen JOE LEATHER talks about WASTEMAN his new hilarious one-man-show

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We’re guessing if you are born into the world with the name Joe Leather it is sort of expected that you will be a gay man! Although Joe’s parents could never have guessed that their son would also turn out to be an exceptionally talented actor/performer/writer …. oh yes and a Drag Queen too.  He’s also extremely creative and adventurous so when the Covid Lockdown dried up all his performing gigs he looked for a ‘real job’. He actually settled on becoming a Bin Man ….a Refuse Collector, it not only provided him with a much-needed income but also a great source of ‘material’ that he would go on to shape into a new one-man show WASTEMAN.

This is one of the most extraordinary drag stories we have ever encountered and what we also love with Leather’s hilarious comedy is that it also shows his profound respect for his ‘temporary ‘colleagues who are still out there doing such essential work. Queerguru spoke with Joe Leather on the eve of the start of his run playing at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe




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