
Bride Pride’ s Ilene Mitnick & Alli Baldwin talk to queerguru

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bride screen

Ilene Mitnick and her wife Alli Baldwin of Roux, Provincetown are aiming to qualify for a place in the Guinness Book of Records with Bride Pride the world’s largest all-girl wedding to be held in P Town during Womensweek in October.  The rather disarmingly charming couple talked to (newly affianced) queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack about all their plans to ensure that everybody gets to have the ‘best day of their lives’ in real P.Town style.

Filmed at Roux by Judy Rolfe for P.T.V.



Fiona Goodwin : A Very British Lesbian

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Fiona Goodwin was a Nun in Honduras. a kindergarten teacher in Italy, a behavior specialist on the TV show “Britain’s Worst Teenager etc. This practicing psychotherapist and life coach is also a wonderfully funny woman. To top it all she is A VERY BRITISH LESBIAN which is the name of her smash-hit one-woman show that she is about to bring to #Ptowns Pilgrim House for 4 nights during Provincetown Women’s Week. She told QUEERGURU all about it


Revisiting DESERT HEARTS with Donna Deitch

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queerguru talked to filmmaker Donna Deitch the director of the 1986 iconic #lesbian cult classic Desert Hearts as she launches a brand new restored print that she will be screening at Waters Edge Cinema as the centerpiece movie during Provincetown Women’s Week AND she revealed to us her plans for a long-awaited sequel ……..and so much more. 

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